'the need to get lost to find yourself..'

'the need to get lost to find yourself..'



Currently based in Baix Montseny (Catalonia).

A twenty nine wild-heart someone who is passionate about carrying a camera and freezing frames while long term traveling. Capturing the simple beauty of the world and the soul of the beings around along this beautiful path called life. 
Nature, adventure, people and anything in between is what you can see in most of my work.

Studied Photography for three years (2011-2014) in GrisArt International Photography School in Barcelona. Specialized in Creating Projects and was granted a Scholarship to attend a course on Video & Multimedia Projects (2015/16).

Moved to Iceland from August to December 2018 on a Long Term Volunteering as a ‘Photomarathon Coordinator' teaching Photography.
I enjoy both working by myself and joining on collaborations, so if you're interested in working with me, don't hesitate and write to syphotography.93@gmail.com